Verb A Verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing. It tells about the person or thing in the state of (a) doing, (b) being or (c) being acted up on. Thus a verb is a doing or being word. Kinds of verbs : Transitive and Intransitive Verbs A Transitive verb is a verb that denotes an action which passes over from the doer or agent to an object, Transitive means passing over. For example, India won the World Cup. An Intransitive verb is a verb that denotes an action which does not pass over to an object, or that expresses a state of an object, or that expresses a state of being. Intransitive means not passing over. For example, The sun shines brightly. Rule: When an intransitive verb is used in a causative sense, it becomes transitive. 1. He sat in a chair. 2. He sat me on chair. Rule: ...
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